Friday, August 31, 2007

Finally finished my internship today.. actually i dun mind if can stay at there for few days summore. cuz it's really fun!! although my legs were so tired of running here and there.. but really enjoyed it! for those kohais, my advice for u is try to go for d internship next year.. U wun hae regret of it for sure.. d company i went is MES.. short form for MITSUI ENGINEERING & SHIPPING. why i chose for such a company which located in kampung and not famous at all? erm.. i think shud thanks for someone's advice. 'why not u choose a company which is fresh for u and u r not thinking to join d company in d future? since u still wanna continue studying in Uni, so is ok for u to tikam any company rite?'.. wat i remembered. anyway i nid to rush for my report nw.. so, as replacement i wl like to scan my internship's diary/report here.. have fun! :P
1st day


Kelly said...

your report pic so small how to read oo??

Jasmine ^^* said...

how come u didn't write ur report in japanese?

nice bathroom~

u haven't answer me wat USJ stand for leh?

ur blog now have second language adi huh~ good good~

CS ^_^ said...

to kelly, cant read it mer? sure u can read it rite? as my hand writing is cleaner than urs summore. :P
to jasmine, erm tat's juz a private report, of course i nid to write another report to pass up one lar. USJ is universal studio japan lar.. i blogged bout tat before one ler.. check it out! erm not i wanted to use my broken english to blog but not using my pc also.. haha

Jasmine ^^* said...

dunno u blog about it b4 la~ how many centuries ago u blogged??

add a seach bar in ur blog. then easy to search ur blog's content.

faster go repair ur pc la~~~